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Diethelm Travel Sri Lanka Green Club Hiking


Every year, the members of Diethelm Travel Sri Lanka Green Club go on excursions to instill a powerful and caring connection with the environment. Diethelm Travel Sri Lanka team recently went on their second Green Excursion for 2016 to the Horton Plains National Park in Nuwara Eliya, followed trekking on the Thotupala Kanda, World’s End and Mini-World’s End circular trails to increase awareness of nature and the importance of preserving it within our employees.


Since its inception in 2013, the Club has embarked on many Green initiatives in and outside the Group. In order to achieve its green objectives, last year the team took a pledge to support wildlife conservation in Sri Lanka. After the first step – the adoption of Baby Abhiman at Elephant Transit Home, Udawalawe – the Club has consistently supported the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) through various means.


This time as a part of the programme, our Green enthusiasts colour washed the Horton Plains National Park Museum and Farr Inn, the National Park Office complex during their two-day stay in Nuwara-Eliya. The colour washing project was initiated by the DWC and Mr. Ashwin Basnayake, our Green Club member from Hemas Pharma on request by Mr. Priyal Ravindra, the Park Warden and Mr. Dayaratne, the Deputy Warden.


Our heartfelt thanks goes to the Club Executive Committee and the members for keeping the environmental spirit alive in going Green!

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