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Follow the Responsible Tourism Trail at The Yala Adventure


Most believe Yala is all about the safaris, especially for spotting sloth bears and leopards, but the region offers a variety of other activities and attractions as well. To learn more about the local life and help contribute toward the wellbeing of the local community, explore the area surrounding The Yala Adventure, a resort in Tissamaharama dedicated to supporting responsible tourism projects.


From the resort, begin the experience by strolling through the village neighbourhood pausing to interact with the passersby. Although Sinhalese is their mother tongue, you’ll still be able to share moments of of shared communication. For those who really want to dive deep into the region, don’t just stop after a small walk, instead continue on to visit a local family and discover some true Sri Lankan culinary skills. Learn about the famous local spices, such as cinnamon, curry leaves and black pepper, and prepare a meal with the guidance of your hosts to then enjoy together. After the meal and having relaxed at the village home, set out for a cycle ride or hop on a catamaran and sail across the lake.


As the sun starts to set, walk around the lake and drop by another village household where the farmer and his wife will welcome you to their simple abode made with clay mud walls and a coconut thatched kitchen for an evening cup of Ceylon tea along with some homemade sweets.


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