DTH Travel

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a walk in the village: rural village experience


Unlike the common routine visits to tourist attractions, “A Walk in the Village” allows guests to understand the way of life of Sri Lanka’s rural community, culture and families. During this leisurely walk, you’ll visit five families and learn about their way of living. Afterward, you can expect to participate in a cultural show performed by the local children from a local school.

During this excursion, you’ll walk through the village visiting five individual local families at their homes to talk together, ask questions and take a tour of their humble abodes.

  • 9:00hrs: Depart for “A Walk in the Village” after breakfast. Comfortable walking shoes and cotton clothing is advisable.
  • 10:30hrs : Break for a herbal drink in the village
  • 12:30hrs: Conclude the visit to the five families and return to your accommodation at the Oruthota Chalets
  • 13:30hrs: Lunch at the village

(An optional add-on package is available for groups of up to 10 people for an even more enriching experience including a cookery demonstration and learning how to prepare authentic Sri Lankan-style dishes, then savouring them together!)

After enjoying a day of learning about the lifestyles of Sri Lanka’s rural families, cap off the experience with an hour of singing and dancing performed by the school children from the local school. This event not only offers an opportunity for the children to showcase their talents, but helps support a local sustainable tourism initiative.


For more information or reservations, please contact us here.

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