DTH Travel


what WFH looks like for us


Seeing what’s happening in the world is heart-breaking. What I’ve come to realise over the past few weeks of staying in and working from home is that the connections that we used to take for granted are what matters most, such as chat breaks or lunchtime at the office pantry. Since those aren’t an option anymore, I’ve been trying to be more present and only focus on positive things while home is the only place I can be (my house floor plan is my travel route for the foreseeable future). So, I came up with a list of things that I am grateful for while working from home.

  1. Total focus – There are no noises from the neighbouring department or people walking past and interrupting. Now it’s just me in my own room with a garden view (I love greenery) and I can take my time to slowly think and work on my projects.
  2. Reduced daily costs – This includes a daily cup of coffee from a café along the way to work, breakfast, lunch and dinner, which normally cost me about USD 20-30 a day. Staying in has been good for my wallet!
  3. Old books – I had the time to dust off my bookshelf and found some books to finally finish reading. I’ve also found books that I bought but have never even opened! Now is a good time to read.
  4. Energy boost – The fact that I don’t have to wake up early to have extra time for getting ready and commuting to work in the morning is the best. I have extra time and energy to do other things I have been procrastinating doing.
  5. More ME time! – Whether during a pandemic or not, I LOVE staying home! To not have to spend time outside 8-10 hours every day is bliss. I can take longer showers in the morning, cook for myself, wear moisturising face masks while working, sing out loud when my favourite music is on…you get the idea! Also (I’m dying to add my last point for all women), it feels GREAT not having to wear a bra or makeup!

I hope wherever you are that your time working from home is as enjoyable as I’m making mine. Fingers crossed and best wishes for everyone to stay safe, healthy and happy!

– Wipanee Leewairoj, Group Marketing & Communications Manager


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“We are all working together and despite the ‘social distancing,’ we are closer than ever! Since I joined the company quite recently, this intense period has helped me get to know my team faster than in normal circumstances, including each individual’s strengths, character and how they handle situations under pressure. We’re surviving – and even thriving – together. Personally, this situation has made me even more thankful for my family and appreciate how lucky I am to have them. I constantly feel a strong sense of love and care that I’m really touched by. Even if individually we all are having a difficult time, we’re also each doing our very best to support one another.”

– Suphansar ‘Keng’ Siriporn, Head of Product and Contracting, Diethelm Travel Thailand


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“After a couple of weeks working from home, I’ve had several realisations. Like many people, I now value the freedom of movement and convenience of travelling that we had prior to the outbreak (though I do appreciate not having to spend time in traffic or commuting every day!). I’m also very grateful for spending more time home with my wife, enjoying home-cooked meals together and being able to help her with household tasks while she is in her last days of pregnancy.”

 – Victor Mogilev, Group Director of Sales


“It’s taken a little time getting used to working from home…but now I’m already thinking about the things that will be strange when life goes back to normal again like:

  • Having to wear shoes again…I’ve been walking around barefoot for the last two weeks!
  • Having to iron my shirts and wear long trousers again…it’s been all shorts and t-shirts for me so far
  • Having to remember he expects me to reply “VICTOR” when Victor calls my name out at work
  • Being able to see colleagues in person instead of over video conferencing
  • Not having time to eat three full meals a day…I hate to admit it but I’ve probably put on a little weight”

– Oscar Lopera, General Manager Group Services


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“I typically get up at 6:00 hours to do my morning workout, and am good at sticking to a routine, so working from home is no different. After a full glass of cold-pressed juice, I start my day at 8:30 hours, appreciating the refreshing scent of flowers from my balcony without any office distractions. No commute is also great – I get to wear comfy clothes and forget about crowds or crazy traffic. I can take breaks at any time and make my favourite lunch whenever I want. Of course, I do miss the social interactions with my colleagues and being inspired by seeing others working…but, for now, I’m appreciating taking some more time to recharge and spending time with my family.”

– Hue Nguyen, Marketing Business Leader, Diethelm Travel Vietnam


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“Now I have some more time for myself, my family, friends and people close to me. Also, I have more time for reading books, watching movies and for exploring different virtual tours, presentations and performances. Many museums, theatres, and performance groups have created new online content for people to still enjoy even though their physical locations are currently closed. For example, Cirque du Soleil is offering an amazing 60-minute escape that can be seen here. For me, it’s a great chance to visit different places and countries even from home!

Natalia Anosova, Sales & Account Manager – Russia/CIS & Eastern Europe


“My day starts around 8:00 hours with coffee and breakfast. At 9:15 hours I set up the computer and iPad for my kids to have video classes with their teachers. They each have classes in French, Khmer, and English and in between video calls we work on homework. All this homework heats up our brains and bodies so we throw a ball in our swimming pool and everyone jumps after it. After swimming, we all eat lunch together and joke around.

The whole afternoon is dedicated to my work in a spare room I’ve set up as my office. Without any operational tasks going on, I’ve been completing admin tasks that were pending. To check things off my to-do list that have built up feels great and is time well spent.

Another big advantage about working from home is that my wife bakes cakes in the afternoon with the kids…and I voluntarily sacrifice to do tastings and make sure they have a good reason to bake another cake the next day.”

 Tim Blondeel, Siem Reap Branch Manager, Diethelm Travel Cambodia


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“I am quite used to working from home over weekends and public holidays as this is a 24/7 business but working from home for extended periods of time has its challenges, particularly not being able to work alongside colleagues or meet face-to-face with suppliers and industry stakeholders. I also miss the daily exercise I get from commuting from home to office. That said, staying home has given me the opportunity to improve my cooking skills. The other day, I made a simple and surprisingly tasty scampi and scallop pasta!”

Richard Willis, Managing Director, Diethelm Travel Hong Kong


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“I have been #WFH for about two weeks now. In these unusual times, it feels reassuring to be surrounded by a more personalised office environment where I can look up from my computer and see inspiring photographs and pictures on my walls. I live in peaceful surrounds and it is great to be able to quietly play some relaxing music while I work. At my desk, I feel positive and productive while completing tasks. As I write about the products, I imagine what it would be like for someone to be experiencing this same journey. Right now, taking care of ourselves and others is more important than ever and, even though we’re already a caring team, I’ve noticed even more compassion being shared in virtual interactions with colleagues when completing shared tasks or during weekly meetings. Also, life has slowed down so I have time to cook lunch with organic vegetables each day and to notice and appreciate more of life’s little pleasures.”

– Trish Cliff, Group Content Writer, Diethelm Travel Group


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“I miss our office and miss my team. During the first few days of working from home it felt strange but once I adjusted to it, I began enjoying it because I:

  • am not wasting any time in traffic jams or getting dressed…you can work in pyjamas!
  • less interruptions and with my self-discipline, I can focus better and get more work done
  • am becoming a communication expert as we connect over so many different channels, like Line, Skype and Diethelm Joy
  • can start and end my day whenever I want, especially as I don’t have kids. I have even chosen to work from 8:00 hours until midnight and could enjoy longer breaks during the day and dinner with a little wine
  • can get up to dance or do exercise when I start to feel tired or after sitting too long
  • have more time with my partner…and have learnt that he can actually cook too!

Also, I’ve been feeling inspired to research destinations for my future travels, which is my greatest motivation and keeps me moving.”

Stay Home Today Travel Tomorrow…

– Patama Narintarangkool, Chief Financial Officer


[showimage url1=”https://www.diethelmtravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Khun-Pattama_wFH.jpg”]

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