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join the circus with the Phare circus workshop in Siem Reap


The Phare Circus in Siem Reap has gained worldwide acclaim not only for its fantastic show but social enterprise component helping train local community members. For an even more engaging experience with the circus, take a workshop from the circus stars!


Workshops require a group of eight or more people (they’re great for student groups travelling through town) and must be part of a workshop + dinner + show package. Enjoying the show after having spent quality time learning from the artists creates a truly powerful and lasting impression.


Classes cater to the ability of the participants and teach a variety of skills to experiment with. After a warm-up, experiment with tumbling exercises, juggling, balance-building activities and more.


Check out the latest video from Phare Circus Workshop in Siem Reap here.

For reservation or more information, please click here.

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