DTH Travel

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Rats, Trash & Booze Tour in Siem Reap


Beyond the standard tourist trail in Siem Reap lays a vibrant town full of inspiring people doing special work with the goal of giving back to Cambodia. The unique half-day Rats, Trash & Booze tour takes guests to visit trained landmine detecting rats, taste locally brewed wines and watch plastic waste recycled into beautiful products for a completely different experience.


Sharing an inside look into Siem Reap’s network of social enterprises and nonprofits that are slowly but surely bringing new light and new skills into the ever-expanding tourist town, the experience involves three core stops along the scenic route, while giving travellers the chance to pick up a few gifts knowing that they are giving back to the community as a responsible guest.


To learn more about bookings and featured packages, we welcome you to contact our sales experts here.

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