DTH Travel

News & Features

our people, our world, our actions


our mission

Diethelm Travel strives to be an ethical, socially responsible and environmentally sustainable travel service provider. We hold ourselves to high standards that place people, the planet and progress over than just profit and support the following: fair and ethical working conditions; environmental preservation and animal protection; continually improving products, procedures and policies to meet global responsible business standards.

We are committed to looking at the long-term effects of our actions so that our business can be mutually beneficial to all involved. This includes working closely with our local communities, our stakeholders/suppliers and building close relationships with our clients/agents.

All our decisions, actions and policies are based on benefitting three main pillars: Our People, Our World and Our Actions.


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our people

At Diethelm Travel, we employ around 500 full-time regional staff and indirectly employ many more throughout our supply chain. As an employer we take our responsibility very seriously. Below are key ways we demonstrate our responsibility to our people – both now and thinking ahead to the future.

  • Training & development
  • Knowledge centre:
  • Career opportunities

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our world

We support responsible travel practices by offering ethical animal programmes
  • Committing to protecting animals and wildlife in the region.
  • ‘Stop sell’ on all tours that involve elephant riding and reviewing all other products that involve animals.
  • Work with the supplier that also cares for the animals
  • Auditing all animal attractions we feature in our programmes
  • Raising awareness
  • Working closely with the NGOs, Cooperatives and other industry partners to uphold the best possible standards in animal welfare.


Animal welfare is important to Diethelm Travel, our staff and our customers. We want to help protect animals from exploitation, neglect and cruelty, and we expect our suppliers to share these sentiments. If attractions we offer to our customers are not meeting recognised standards of animal welfare, or involve unacceptable suffering, we will work with the supplier concerned to improve conditions, or remove the attraction from sales.

Diethelm Travel ensures animals involved in the attractions we promote are properly cared for. We have also partnered with various international wildlife conservation organisation that advises us on all activities involving animals to help us further reduce our “Animal Footprint”, or worldwide impact on animals in tourism.

Our ultimate objective is to eliminate practices that have a negative impact on the welfare of animals or that threaten fragile natural habitats and their wildlife.


[showimage url1=”https://dth.stagingurls.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/animal-welfares.jpg” url2=””]


  • Protecting the environmental and cultural resources
  • Waste management: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Refuse (4Rs)
  • Reduce food waste and energy consumption
  • Recycle metals & tin cans, glass, plastics (shampoo, detergents, milk containers etc.), cardboard & cartons, paper, boxes, newspaper, etc.)
  • Offering refillable bottles for all overnight tours
  • Energy and water saving


[showimage url1=”https://www.diethelmtravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/CSR_Diethelm_Travel.jpg” url2=””]


our action

We work with credible partners to secure travel experiences that are not only authentic, responsible and sustainable, we regularly assess our operations to ensure we are always proud of how we conduct our business

Product development
  • Audit Community Based Tourism (CBT) programmes – identifying issues and create programme from the findings
  • The company purchases sustainable, regionally produced, organic, environmentally friendly and fair trade products and services.


  • Applying or working with members of Travelife, Earth Check, The Reef-World Foundation, IUCN Red List, Tourcert, The Code, or Childsafe
  • Work with the suppliers that also cares for the environment, ocean, animals, and human rights
  • We must influence our supplier to be responsible through signing Diethelm Travel Suppliers’ Code of Conduct in which the need to follow our standard requirements based on Social & Ethics, and Environment, Captive animals, Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage criteria.

Diethelm Travel has a range of policies and procedures in place to support our stance on social responsibility, these include:

  • Health & Safety policy
  • Crisis Management policy
  • Child Labour and Child Safety Policy
  • Animal Welfare Policy
  • Wildlife and Animal audits
  • Ethical Behavior Policy
  • Volunteering policy
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Human Rights Policy

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